Hallowell History

1. Head of Tide and Heart of Maine Granite City Park
(April 30, 2013, By Bob McIntire)

4. A Cure for Smallpox
81 2nd Street
(April 27, 2013 By Bob McIntire)

7. Row House: A Tenement with Style
100 -108 2nd Street
February 19, 2014)

Museum in the Streets

2. From the Ashes
89 Water Street
(April 29, 2013 By Bob McIntire)

5. A Refuge for the Oppressed
1 Lincoln Street
(April 26, 2013 By Bob McIntire)

8. Dr. Hubbard Office
116 2nd Street
(February 14, 2014)

3. Hallowell City Hall
1 Winthrop Street
(Feb 18, 2014 By Bob McIntire)

6. Hallowell House
101 2nd Street
(February 19, 2014 )

9. The Golden Age of Hallowell Granite
19 Central Street
February 14, 2014)

10. The Power of the Purse: Hubbard Library
115 2nd Street
(February 14, 2014)

13. A Seaport on the Kennebec
196 Water Street
(February 14, 2014)

17. Wilson Hall
113 Water Street
(February 19, 2014)

11. A Town House For All Occasions
124 2nd Street
(February 14, 2014)

14. Hallowell Cotton Mill
189 Water Street
February 19, 2014)

18. Life Long Learning
103 Water Street
February 14, 2014)

12. Old South Congregational Church
133 2nd Street
February 14, 2014)

15. The Heart Cure Co. – Pope Laboratories
155 Water Street
(February 19, 2014)

19. Sheppard’s Point
280 Water Street
February 14, 2014

20. The Powder House “Old Thunder Jug”
22 High Street
February 19, 2014)